宝盈彩app下载 Fellow是专为那些在宝盈彩app下载感兴趣的任何领域取得杰出成就的宝盈彩app下载宝盈彩app下载而设的荣誉称号. 回顾本页的章节,了解宝盈彩app下载 Fellow等级的历史, the elevation process, 以及这个项目是如何经过多年发展成为今天这个项目的.

Establishment of the 宝盈彩app下载 Fellow Grade

Fellow的等级最早出现在1912年的AIEE章程中. In that year, 美国工程师学会修订了其宝盈彩app下载结构,并为那些在其专业领域表现出杰出能力和取得卓越成就的工程师设立了院士等级. Potential Fellows had to be at least thirty-two years of age, with a minimum of ten years' experience. When the IRE established its Fellow grade in 1914, the requirements were clearly modeled on those of the AIEE. IRE章程的相关章节中的许多措辞与AIEE章程中的相应措辞相同.

Early years of the 宝盈彩app下载 Fellow Grade

研究员职系成立后的头几年, AIEE和IRE都允许会员直接申请转换为Fellow. In both cases, 申请必须附有五位现有研究员的推荐信,并需要董事会的批准. In 1939, 审查局修改了程序,只有在董事会直接邀请的情况下,才能接纳或调任院士职系, a policy it maintained until the merger in 1963. In 1938, AIEE修改了其章程,规定“只有在五位宝盈彩app下载或研究员的建议下,才能申请到研究员等级。." In 1951, the AIEE prohibited applications for Fellow grade altogether, 并采取了与招聘局类似的直接邀请政策.

Merger of AIEE and IRE

As noted above, 许多电气工程师都是AIEE和IRE的宝盈彩app下载, and many of them became Fellows of both organizations. When the two institutes merged in 1963, 所有AIEE和IRE会员自动成为宝盈彩app下载会员. In 1942, the IRE had begun to issue citations to new Fellows, briefly describing their accomplishments. 1952年,AIEE也采取了同样的做法,宝盈彩app下载在合并后也继续了这一做法.

宝盈彩app下载 Fellow Grade today

As it stands today, 宝盈彩app下载院士奖由董事会授予在宝盈彩app下载感兴趣的任何领域取得非凡成就的人. 在任何一年中选出的总人数不得超过有投票权的机构宝盈彩app下载总数的百分之一的十分之一. 每位新会员都会收到一张精美的镶框证书,上面有该会员的名字和一段描述成就的简短引文, 一封来自即将上任的宝盈彩app下载主席的贺信和一枚古董装饰的纯银Fellow领章. 

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宝盈彩app下载-USA Government Fellowships
宝盈彩app下载 Fellow News
宝盈彩app下载 Fellow (2009) Chai K Toh被选为英国皇家工程院国际院士. Learn more.